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I'm Back!

Writer: zoe crimmelzoe crimmel

"Either you run the day or the day runs you." 

Jim Rohn


Firstly I wanted to apologize to everyone. I have been absent in my writing and that is something that I didn't want to be because for some of you, it isn't the length of my post, but what they contain that matters. I promise from now on to find the time to post even if it is only a few sentences. 

This past almost month has been full of ups, downs, lefts, rights, and a lot of work. Summer for some has been the vacation, no school, no work, and while we were little no worries, just fun. That however was not how I grew up. Since before I can remember summer was always the time of work, mom was on the court and dad was in the office and we helped. Since I was 7 years old I have been helping my mom on court and till this day all summer that is where I am. Our holidays came during the year whenever we decided to go. A week off of school here, maybe one there, because that is when we had time. Summer to me is when the work begins, the rest of the year is my break and this year has been especially filling. This summer I am working full time 8 am to 7 pm at the tennis courts in Colorado and in between I am taking 4 online summer classes through Alcorn State and doing a remote internship. As tough as it is and sometimes draining I also love being busy and having the rewarding feeling of, "Today I accomplished so much!" My life in the past 5 years has been non-stop, a constant go and I always felt myself draining away slowly. It isn't until this summer that I feel myself growing each day as I get closer and closer to finals for my classes, bringing the joy of tennis to more people and getting the chance to work with my crew at GWMP every day! 

Despite it all, I did forget the other half of myself, the non-athlete and the writer. This is my space to let my words flow on paper, or screen, that don't make it out in other aspects of my life. I have felt the words I have buried inside aching and begging to come out and decided while lying in bed, "I may be tired but my fingers have enough energy to fly!" So here we are, back again for more. . . 




I didn't get the chance to spotlight this incredible person earlier and it feels late now but I need them to make an appearance. As many of you know I do not name names to protect the people around me and their privacy. A couple of weeks ago a dear friend to me died from a fentanyl overdose in New York, on the road to following a long-time dream of theirs they were stopped short. This was an eye-opener for me when I found out a day later from social media and it was even harder to tell my younger sister who has had multiple people around her die. The hardest part about overdoses is that at the end of the day, no one can know for sure whether it was a suicide or an accident. Whether my friend knew or unknowingly took something that was going to kill them we will never know. However, it made me stop and think. In a moment, any moment, anyone can disappear, forever. With my mother, I thought I understood it but she is still here, I still get to talk to her, see her, and hug her. I will never see my friend, talk to, or hug my friend and that realization shook something in me. Death is guaranteed for everyone but the way you live till then is your choice. Tell people you love them, go on adventures, and live with zero regrets so when you leave the earth you can leave fulfilled and knowing you soaked everything you could out of the life you were given!


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