"Believe you can and you're halfway there" – Theodore Roosevelt
After 22 hours of driving, laughing, and girl time I am back at Alcorn and ready to get back into the grind. However, as most of you know this year is going to look a little different. With my shoulder injury, I am not able to play, and if you have been following me for a while you will know I hate not being able to play tennis. So, if I cannot get my energy out on the court I decided to fill my schedule to the brim with classes and work. Was it the smartest decision? Probably not and I will be tired but, I will not be bored. Working will give me the chance to build up my resume

which I am going to need because I am not going to be in college forever. My goal in life is to be my boss and eventually have my consulting firm but no one starts at the top and to build to the top I will need experience not only in my field but in being an employee. I am so excited to pursue both the jobs I have found in different fields.
The drive from Colorado to Alcorn was 22 hours and took us through Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Why Arkansas I have no idea that's how much faith I have in my GPS. But the company on drives like this one truly makes a difference and this time I was able to take my mom's friend and her daughter. It was so much fun to have girl time with girls I consider to be my family and chat about everything. It made the 22 hours seem so short as time truly does fly when you are having fun. We were also able to sneak down to New Orleans for a day before I dropped them off and then I was able to stay a couple more nights having the time of my life. I was sad when they left but also happy to be back in my space, managing my own time, and finally again back on a schedule. School for me can be stressful but sometimes it has less stress than being at home, and I've put some thought into why. I truly believe that grieving is easier without being in a place of memories and being back at school has proven that to me. My chest feels lighter because I'm not walking around memory lane every day, not expecting to see my mother walk around the corner because Alcorn was only ever mine. The memories I made here don't have her in them and that makes it easier to want to laugh and enjoy life because she wouldn't be in them regardless here at school. I am very excited to start this semester off on a good note and keep it good the whole semester no matter the work, the injury, or anything else! Till next time with more tennis news! Thank you all for the support it means the world to me.