As time moves forward it is important to stay in the present because the moments we have now cannot be replicated. I made a quote that I have been trying to live by when I feel life going a little too fast and with not enough big events to feel like I am accomplishing goals or changing my life.
"Life is made of small moments making big impacts."
We all need to realize that though you may not have experienced a big event that was life-altering, there were little moments throughout your days that made a big impact on your life. Whether you lay in bed all day or complete a marathon everything we do in our day-to-day lives should be counted as a success because waking up is enough of an accomplishment. Taking a step, being able to take a deep breath, or simply being able to lay in a real bed that isn't made of dirt are things that we take for granted every day. Knowing this I try to take the small things and small moments in my life and see that they are just as important for my life as the obvious big moments.

As I go through college I am constantly finding new sides of myself that when I was living alone, or doing online school I wasn't aware I had. I have been blessed to find connections this year that I didn't have last semester that have truly helped me get through some of my downs that have been heightened due to all the recent events. In the middle of the week, I had a day that was the bottom of my emotional rollercoaster and I just laid in bed and cried. It is on these days that I don't expect anything out of myself and I don't try to pull myself out of what I am feeling. Angelina Jolie said it best and I found it on Instagram earlier this year about what her advice is when facing something difficult. She says, "Go right through it, feel it, be in it, don't avoid it, go completely in it, feel everything, and then go right through it and get out the other end." She then states that most of the difficult moments in life are things that you have no control or no choice of experiencing, it is out of your hands and the only thing you can control is how you get through it. I allow myself to experience the lows in my emotional rollercoaster because I know that if I avoid them they will hit me harder, more frequently and I will never fully go through what I am feeling. It is ok to have a down day or days if it is what you need mentally and emotionally but the most important thing is to get through them. I feel that when we don't fully absorb the down moments and we let them prolonge for longer than they need to last we get too comfortable in the wave of darkness they can bring. When we are engulfed in the grief and the sadness we experience at our lowest point sometimes we lose sight of the light that is waiting on the other end.
Though there were lows this week there were also some really fun moments too. Our basketball team had their first game and some of the team went. My best friend and I were screaming and cheering but still at the end we lost by one free throw in the absolute craziest and dumbest way possible. We still had a blast just cheering and screaming at the refs for their bad calls. Our cafeteria chats are always my favorite moments of the day and are certainly the biggest thing I will miss when I leave college in the next couple of years. It's the moment when we get to connect and have some of our most memorable laughs and chats even to the smallest things. I am constantly faced with moments of question about where I am, but also complete joy that I chose Alcorn to be my school. In all the situations I remind myself to absorb the emotions that come from them, the anger sometimes and the joy.