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Week 31

Writer: zoe crimmelzoe crimmel

"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be?"

Charles Bukowski



I, Zoe have committed to play at Alcorn State University on a full-ride, division 1 tennis scholarship! This is huge for both my family and I because it is something that I have been working towards for the majority of my life. After all the blood, sweat, and tears that I have put on the tennis court and the times when I couldn't see my growth, this is my proof. My effort is only fortified by everyone who has had my back through these years, from my family, and friends, and anyone who has ever offered a kind word or a motivational speech. Thank you all!


Now to my weekly recap which is a little late. After leaving Florida and meeting my mother we went to look at a couple of colleges. This led to a tough decision but ultimately the right one for me. After our jump around my mom and I returned to California where I got to spend a couple of days with my dad and sister before making my way to Colorado with my mom and Snowball. Here I will be spending the holidays and getting all the snow out of my system! The mountains and snow are such a huge part of me that not being able to see them once a year feels like I have lost a part of myself. I am so fortunate for the life I live, between seeing the world and having all the opportunities I have had in my life I can only call myself spoiled of luck. But I also can't say that with all the "luck" in my life there have also been countless sacrifices. . . Hard-working summers every year, hard-working parents who sacrificed everything for their kids, stressed from all angles, and having to leave home to pursue a dream. Every reward requires a risk and sometimes a sacrifice. It is a conversation that I have with my parents often, our life is not sunshine and rainbows. There were times when it was but to get those times we had to go through some rough patches but I would never change a second. A person is built by their mistakes, failures, and adventures! I am who I am because of MY mistakes, MY failures, and MY adventures and I would never change a single one of them!


SPOTLIGHT! (Click the Arrow to the Left)

This week I wanted to spotlight someone important to me! Earlier this week I saw a video on Instagram talking about siblings and how they are the most important people in one's life. "Parents leave us early, lovers come too late, but siblings are with us our whole lives!" I am not biased when I can say confidently that I have the most amazing sister in the world. . .

Growing up I was evil. Saying I had some anger issues was a bit of an understatement, my scale went from 0 to 100 in about half of a millisecond and I couldn't control it. My incredible sister was put through quite a bit by me and some I will never forgive myself for. She is almost exactly 2 years, 1 month, and 1 day younger than me and when she came home I immediately asked my mother to take her back. It took me years to admit that she was the best thing to ever happen to me. Years too long. Years too late! In 2006 my best friend in this whole world was born and since then I have been the luckiest older sister in the world.

Ana has over a 4.0 GPA, is almost fluent in Japanese, has 3 varsity letters for tennis and is going for more, and is the most creative person I know. Her imagination surpasses anything I have ever seen and she has only been growing it over the years. When I tell you this girl is going to rule the entertainment industry one day, the only thing that would make that a lie is if she decides to take over the world. ;)

I love you sis and I know you are going to succeed in anything you decide you want to do in this world!


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