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Week 36

Writer: zoe crimmelzoe crimmel

"Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE. The word itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE!"

Audrey Hepburn


The line between being a student-athlete and an athlete-student is very fine and very easy to lose. Being in college I see that now and it scares me a little. As an athlete with the rigorous schedule you are given between training, gym, and traveling to competitions it is so easy to get off track with school. Certain majors make the schedules easier to manage, however, some people take the real opportunity to use the chance they have with sports in college to study harder topics. This makes the line even smaller with the urge to succeed in both athletics and academics. In my team, we have many business majors, health and physical education, computer science, environmental biology, and molecular biology. It is crazy to see the difference in college lifestyles in each of them. The amount of time spent in class, studying, hanging out, and training is different for everyone, and for the most part, it shows in both all of our academics and athletics.

This week was both slow and fast. Classes have slowly sped up beyond introductions and syllabus readings to chapters and lectures. As I slowly get back into learning how to study efficiently and manage the time between classes to what I need I am learning how much I longed for the organization that school brings. Being in online high school, I created my schedule. Wake up when I want to do my work whenever and I was just given the due dates. Now I'm not saying I slept till 1 and played video games all day, there was practice, gym, and traveling with tennis that kept my days interesting. I didn't however get the classroom time, lunch get-togethers, and passing periods to connect with people my age. Due to the rain, a lot of time was spent inside including training. The school doesn't have an indoor facility so when the courts are wet we know we are gonna be doing some form of sprinting back and forth in the gym. We have also been given time to do some weights training which has been fun and given us all a chance to slowly get back into competition shape. The other day I was also able to meet our athletic trainers who are going to be putting us back together after training and taping us up before matches. The facilities may not be shiny and new but they have everything we will need and the community here makes up for it. 

Matches update. . . Today we played Lamar University at Lamar and we lost all but one match which was my doubles match with my doubles partner. It was a tough match after not practicing for 3 days due to rain and not competing prior. This was our first match of the season and for some of us the year. We all fought hard and played well. However, some of us were disappointed in our performance as it wasn't the best we knew we could give. I am so excited to see where this team is going to manage to get to this season and the next 3 to come!



The Global Warming Mitigation Project is known as GWMP

To read into GWMP's mission you can go to the link below. 

GWMP is a program that aims to solve the effects of climate change by supporting leaders in change with the funds and resources they need to make a difference. They are supported by many companies which also have the same goals and are worth looking into. It is a program that I have been able to get in touch with and with some luck, creativity, and dedication one I hope to be able to align myself with in the future!


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