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Week 44

Writer: zoe crimmelzoe crimmel

"You have to be where you are to get to where you need to go."

Amy Poehler


This week was a bit of a rest week after two weeks of hard work. We had a match on Thursday against Mississippi Valley and won which was good but also expected. Mississippi Valley has a tennis team comprised of football and soccer players. If this confuses you it confused me too and was not ready for the match which took less than an hour in total. We were however able to have some laughs between our team and Mississippi Valley which brought up some of our spirits after some hard losses. 

Looking into the future for a bit some of the next matches are against, Hinds Community College, Jackson State University, and New Orleans which are all opportunities for the team to make a name for ourselves in the conference before the SWAC championships. It has been a tough season for everyone as we are a new team, with a new coach, and have had some bumps in the road all year. I feel however that there is a lot of potential that this team has and if we all come together and find it we have a chance to potentially be one of the better teams in the conference like Alcorn used to be not too long ago. I am enjoying growing with the girls finding who each of them is and getting to know what being part of a team is like. 

Some other news from me is I have been volunteering for the Global Warming Mitigation Project and recently had one of my articles posted on their blog. If you want to read it click the link here: I have begun working with GWMP to further my knowledge of working in the field of environmental science and have been able to explore my passion for writing and communicating ideas across the internet. This is a great opportunity for me to gain experience that I will use for the rest of my life like how to write thoughtful articles with clear ideas while also being able to work on my own time without adding any stress to my schedule!


This week's spotlight is going to be on communication. I know I have touched on how important being able to express yourself is in the world that is slowly losing it but I wanted to touch more on it. Communicating is any form of moving information, cells communicate, animals communicate, plants communicate, computers communicate, and humans communicate. All of these things have their way of communicating though. Humans and cells don't communicate the same and neither do plants and animals but the information still gets passed along. Somehow the world finds a way to make sure that information is available. When a plant wilts it's telling us it needs water, or when a dog whimpers because they need to go out, or when the temperature of the globe rises something isn't right. This is now intriguing me more and more as I am learning more and more about the world, no matter what, somehow information always gets passed along and it is up to the receiver to decide whether to acknowledge the information and take it in. 

Through being around new people and building new relationships I have also learned how important communication can be. So far in college I have seen and experienced how poor communication can ruin relationships and how good communication can nurture and grow relationships and it has been a ride. Also having a variety of languages and cultures on the team watching the difference it makes for some of my teammates to speak their native language compared to English is very interesting. Their whole persona changes, their faces light up a bit more and it is very easy to see that they relax a bit more when they speak their language. Learning to observe all these little things has already taught me so much more about expression and communication which has helped me when I try to communicate not only with my friends but in the classroom and a work setting. 


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