"Either you run the day or the day runs you"
Jim Rohn
This week I have some tennis news from the tournament this past weekend. on Saturday I played two matches, the first and second rounds. The first one I was able to win in straight sets though she was a moonballer and it took me a while to get into a rhythm to beat her. In my second match, the girl hit the ball and hit it hard so it was a complete change of pace and though I was able to make it to a third-set tiebreaker I wasn't able to pull through to win. Both were good matches and I felt the way I had matured in the 20+ matches I played at Alcorn. Though I lost I wasn't that bummed because I fought and I played well so it was a good weekend!
We had a girl who is going to work with us this summer in Colorado stay with us for a bit before heading to Colorado and we had a blast. We did morning runs while listening to music, explored Southern California, and got the chance to relax while also doing a lot. Besides training together we got a chance to enjoy a bit of summer before we went to work which was nice to have. I am looking forward to working this summer with our crew of new people and a club that is going to be bursting with energy every day all day!

This week I am going to spotlight a new project that I am working on. Eco Spotlight is a new blog that I am working on that is going to be purely environmental based. I am looking to grow this into a base that can be used for research to be posted, and forums to be introduced to involve more people in conversations and broaden the information that is easily accessible to people. While Where in The World is Zoe is my baby and will forever be something that I will try my best to do I am hoping to make Eco Spotlight into something that I can turn into a business and something that I can make big. Leave a comment down below if it is something that you would be interested in being a part of the community I am trying to build!