"If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."
Shirley Chisholm
I feel so bad combining weeks like I have been but it has unfortunately been what my scheduling is allowing me to do. Finishing up school was exciting because I was going to go home but also a bit saddening because I felt myself starting to become in rhythm with my schedule, the people around me, and having my own space. However, I knew that I needed to get home and not only my body but also my mind. So the dreaded packing of my entire dorm began and went by with way too many trips up and down the elevator and enough Tetris thinking for the next several months. Somehow I was able to get everything to fit into the car, miraculously, with even a little bit of room to spare. Once that was done I was able to enjoy the final days with the team and we did a barbeque which was a lot of fun and a great final team bonding moment for the whole team before leaving for summer. I was also able to hand out thank you cards to all my teachers and staff who have helped me out this past semester! I love writing and cards are something that is so old school yet the value of them to people never gets old. Once I got everything done it was time to go back home. I stopped at Baylor to see a friend and then on Tuesday picked up my dad in Dallas. We then drove together to see my grandparents in Colorado and after spending a night continued to home. Finding places for my things to go in the house proved to be a bit more challenging than I originally thought but we managed. After all that was straightened out I was able to get on a flight to California where I will be spending some time. So far it has been a roller coaster of taking care of Mom, finishing up the final things for school, and prepping for a line of tournaments I will be playing. For everyone who knows me, I love to be busy and I surely am here! Thank you all for the support and as always I am so joyed to be able to write for you all.

This week's spotlight is on something I like to call productive consumerism. What is productive consumption? When we break down the word into productive and consumption we can create a definition. Productivity is the effectiveness of productive effort and consumption is the use of resources. If we combine these two words and therefore with the two definitions we can say that productive consumption is the effective consumption of resources. Now that we have the definition we can get into what it is. When you go to dry your hands take one piece of paper, not two. When you leave the house, turn off the light. When you eat food only take what you need. Only take what you need. A productive consumer is someone who understands that simple concept. They understand that other people on the planet need the same things they do and they know they don’t need it all. They understand that if they take only what they need that means that someone else will have access to those resources. However, while following the line down it can be easily interrupted by someone who for lack of better words is selfish which means they have no consideration for others. For the longer post head over to the productive consumers post that will be posted this week!